Tag Archives: Memorial Day weekend

10 Memorial Day Desserts

Source: http://www.tablespoon.com/ – by By Happy Eats

 Memorial Day weekend officially heralds in the summer season — and we’ve got 10 ways to say hello to summer deliciously!
Whether you kick your Memorial Day weekend off with picnics and barbeques, vacations or stay-at-home R&R, make sure to serve desserts that stand out and make the good times even sweeter.

Here are 10 that are sure to shine at your get-together (for recipes, click on underlined title or photo):

1. Grilled Chocolate Banana Melt

Say hello to an ooey-gooey s’mores-style treat you eat with a spoon! It’s got all the warm yumminess of s’mores, with a brilliant banana twist. Perfect for the campfire, grill, or even the oven.

2. Watermelon Cake

watermelon cake
A picnic is not a picnic without watermelon. Or cake. So here’s a two-for-one deal that’s as fun to make as it is to eat. Better get ready to steal the picnic spotlight.

3. Star Piñata Sugar Cookies

Patriotism gets pretty peppy with these striped stars that hold a sweet surprise!

4. Campfire Cakes

If your weekend plans include fireside festivities, and if you love scrumptious chocolate with a delicious hint of orange flavor, then you, my friend, are about to hit the jackpot.

5. Broken Glass Torte

Isn’t it about time to break the gelatin mold? Literally? With this fun recipe, colorful gelatin pieces mix together in a soft, delicious torte that’s a real dessert showstopper.

6. “Juicy Lucy” Burger Cupcakes

Give the grill a rest and top off your meal with a heartfelt ode to burgers – but better! These burgers are actually sweet cupcakes. What a picnic hit!

7. Flag Fruit Pizza

Here’s a fruit salute to inspire cheer at your weekend party. And with all those good-for-you berries and bananas, you earn some extra hip-hip-hooray!

8. S’mores Poke Cake

Poke some holes in the theory that you shouldn’t poke holes in a cake. How else will the marshmallow frosting fully pay its respects to chocolate in this hail to the greatness of s’mores?

9. Mini Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes

When is the meeting together of peanut butter and chocolate not appropriate? Answer: This is a trick question. Peanut butter and chocolate together is always appropriate.

10. Ice Box Cake

The brilliance of an “ice box” cake is that it swoops in to save you from slaving over an oven for steamy summer celebrations. Now that’s pretty cool.

However you celebrate Memorial Day, make sure to take another bite and savor the weekend. Cheers!

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